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Free Online Navamsa Chart Interpretation

 What Is Navamsa Chart

Vedic astrology deals with the "Science of Light" meaning that it is based on the patterns of the light being received from the planets which are believed to change our future and our destiny. 

Vedic astronomy consists of many parts and components which include- Moon sign(Rasi), Nakshatras, Dasas, Planets(Grahas), transit(Gocharas), Bhavas(houses) and aspects(Drishti). All of them together give a complete perspective of a person on the basis of the aura which they emit and the future directions of that person by studying their astral light according to the above factors. 

There are various types of charts that are used by astrologists to study the person and determine their fate. One of them is the Navamsa chart. Navamsa, the proper meaning for it is "one-ninth part of a zodiac sign". This chart according to sources belongs to one of the Shodasvargas which are one-sixth of a zodiac sign which gives the accurate position of the planet. Due to its close connection with the Rasi chart (or the zodiac chart), they are mostly viewed together for marriage and other purposes. To know about spouse astrology.


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