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Astrological Remedies For Malefic Moon

 As per the Vimshottari Mahadasha System, there are in total 9 planets and the 9 Mahadasha which takes place in one’s life. One of these 9 Mahadasha is the Moon Mahadasha. It happens in one’s life for a period of 10 years. The impacts of Moon Mahadasha could be both positive and negative and it completely depends on the birth charts of different people.

Moon is considered to be one of the most auspicious planets in the world of astrology. If its impact is beneficial for you according to your birth chart, the period of the Moon Mahadasha will fill your lives with a lot of successes and will bring along good health, happiness, opportunities leading to success in businesses and your career. In short, it will fill your life for these 10 years with auspicious events. However, if the impact of the Moon Mahadasha is malefic for you, it can lead to mental imbalance and can even lead to people having thoughts about committing suicide.

The impact of Moon Mahadasha will be different depending on the ascendant from which the natives have been born. Now let’s analyze the different impacts of Moon Mahadasha on different people depending on their zodiac sign.

Following are the kind of impacts of Moon Mahadasha on different people depending on the ascendant from which the person had been born:

Moon Mahadasha For Aries Ascendant 

The Moon is the lord of the 7th house in the birth chart of those who are the ascendant of Aries. The impact of the Moon Mahadasha is positive for them as it will lead to a lot of good career opportunities, good friend circle, good academic career along with material success in life.

However, it might also bring negative results if the moon debilitated in Scorpio zodiac and at the same time is afflicted by malefic planets like Sun, Mars, Shani, Rahu, and Ketu. The effect of this kind of position will take away everything moon mahadasha has given to these ascendants like friends, career, etc.

Moon Mahadasha For Taurus Ascendant

The moon is the lord of the 3rd house in the birth chart of those who are the Ascendant of Taurus. Moon Mahadasha is beneficial for those who have this astrological situation in their birth chart. It will bestow these people with confidence and make them even more courageous.

However, the debilitation of the moon and affliction of malefic planets may negatively impact the minds of the native. They may suffer from mental stress like fear, anxiety which will lead to disagreements with the other people.

Moon Mahadasha For Gemini Ascendant:

The moon in the lord of the 2nd house in the birth chart of those who are the ascendant of Gemini. The period of Moon Mahadasha is beneficial for them as it bestows them with money, wealth, and the quality of influential speaking.

However, the debilitation of the moon and affliction of malefic planets may bring losses for the native. These losses may be in terms of relationships, monetary loss, or property loss too.

Moon Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant:

The period of Moon Mahadasha is considered to be very beneficial for those who are the ascendants of Cancer. It bestows their lives with immense happiness, wealth and also provides these people with good social status in life.

However, the debilitation of the moon may adversely affect the life of the native. It can give them many problems related to health, in job, or in business.

Moon Mahadasha For Leo Ascendant:

The moon is the lord of the 12th house in the birth chart of those who are the Leo Ascendants. This is not considered to be beneficial for the people belonging to this situation in astrology and will bring along the malefic results.

The debilitation of the moon will also bring financial instability, degradation in reputation at the workplace as well as in society, and emotional stress to the native.

Moon Mahadasha For Virgo Ascendant:

The moon is the lord of the 11th house in the birth chart of those who are the Ascendants of Virgo. This is considered to be beneficial for them because it brings success and money to the Virgo ascendants. Their reputation will also improve because of their immense knowledge. All this will add up to bringing big opportunities in their life.

Moon Mahadasha For Libra Ascendant:

The moon is the lord of the 10th house in the birth chart of those who are the Ascendants of Libra. This is a beneficial situation as it brings along the professional successes along with good social status and authority over others.

However, the debilitation of the moon and affliction of malefic planets will bring negative results to the Libra ascendants.

Moon Mahadasha For Scorpio Ascendant:

The moon is the lord of the 9th house in the birth chart of those who are the ascendants of Scorpio. The period of Moon Mahadasha will prove to be beneficial for these people as it will bring along success in businesses, studies along with spiritual success.

However, the debilitation of the moon and affliction of malefic planets may bring bad results to the Scorpio ascendants. But this negative influence can be chalked out with the presence of ‘Neech Bhang Yoga’.

Moon Mahadasha For Sagittarius Ascendant:

The moon is the lord of the 8th house in the birth chart of those who are the ascendants of Sagittarius. The moon Mahadasha is considered to be malefic for them because it results in many failures in their lives. 

However, the debilitation of the moon and affliction of malefic planets will very badly affect the lives of the Sagittarius ascendants.

Moon Mahadasha For Capricorn Ascendant:

The moon is the lord of the 7th house in the birth chart of those who are the ascendants of Capricorn. This is considered to bring negative results to these people during the period of Moon Mahadasha.

However, the debilitation of the moon and affliction of malefic planets will bring health and marriage issues to the Capricorn ascendants.

Moon Mahadasha For Aquarius Ascendant:

The moon is the lord of the 6th house in the birth chart of those who are the ascendants of Aquarius. The Moon Mahadasha is considered to be negative for these people because it brings along the debt along with the increase in diseases. Moreover, if it gets along with malefic planets, it might be more harmful than ever.

But, if the moon is deposited in the 9th and 10th house, the native may receive positive results.

Moon Mahadasha For Pisces Ascendant:

The moon is the lord of the 5th house in the birth chart of those who are the ascendants of Pisces. The Moon Mahadasha is considered beneficial for them because it brings along material success, mental happiness along with good social standing.

However, the debilitation of the moon and affliction of malefic planets may give mental stress to the native in the form of anxiety, fear, and under-confidence.

Hence, we conclude from the above-stated points that the impact of Moon Mahadasha will be different for different people depending on their birth chart along with the ascendant from which the person had been born.



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